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Livestamin Multivitamin Amp Minerals For Men

Livestamin Multivitamin & Minerals For Men

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Products Description

Health Benefits: Promotes overall health Boosts energy Blend of more than 25 vitamins & minerals May promote sexual health Easily digestible Livestamin Multivitamins for Men We need various vitamins and minerals for the healthy functioning of our body. Most of these can be easily derived from food. However, our daily diet is not as nutrient-dense as it should be. We either fail to eat the right foods or the food itself is of poor quality. This builds up into a stark nutrient deficiency that can make the body weak, lethargic and prone to various diseases. A weak immune system can ultimately lead to cognitive decline, heart trouble and even cancer. Vitamin supplements can help overcome the deficiency and improve overall health. However, regular supplements will not do as some of the nutritional needs of men are decidedly different from women. What to do? Livestamin Multivitamins for Men capsules are specifically formulated with more than 25 essential vitamins, minerals and natural herbs to provide a powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals that together promote healthy vigor and well-being for men. Some of them are: Vitamin A, C and E These antioxidant vitamins control cell damage from free radicals and promote regular cell function. This is especially important in middle-aged and old men. It can even prevent tumor growth, muscle wasting, artery damage, declining vision, etc. It is especially important for protecting the nerve tissues against oxidative stress. Vitamin D â?? This will boost testosterone levels that helps the male body to maintain strong bones, high metabolism, improved sexual function and brain health. It also controls cholesterol, blood glucose, blood pressure and obesity even as it promotes immunity and heart health. Vitamin B-complex . This group of vitamins help the cells to make energy and maintain a healthy nervous system. They also boost brain health, thus improving memory and concentration. It promotes healthy hair, skin and nails as well. Potassium â?? This is a powerful element as it improves heart health, controls blood pressure, raises the metabolism, improves digestion, reduces fatigue and maintains good organ health. Ashwagandha This herb is added to the vitamin and mineral mix as it helps maintain stress levels and reduces anxiety. It increases muscle mass and also boosts fertility in men by raising testosterone and improving sperm quality. In sum, Livestamin Multivitamin for men is an ideal formula that meets all the needs of the male body. All you have to do is take 2 capsules per day after meals to maintain overall good health.

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Precursor Nutra LLP

  • India

Business type - Not-available

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