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Livestamin Brahmi Extract 500mg

Livestamin Brahmi Extract, 500Mg,

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Products Description

Livestamin Brahmi Extract, 500mg, 60 Vegetraian Capsules Composition: * Brahmi Extract, 500mg per capsule Health Benefits: * It reduces anxiety and restlessness * Helps to protect the brain from ill effects of stress * Improve mental alertness. Livestamin Brahmi Capsules * India is the land of Ayurveda. We have a history of having a wealth of knowledge about using various plants and herbs to treat ailments and balance the various systems in our body through herbal treatments. * One such unique and miraculous herb is Brahmi which has often been regarded as a brain booster. Brahmi is a small succulent herb with numerous branches, rooting at the nodes. It grows naturally in wet soil, shallow water and marshes. It has small flowers that are light purple or white in colour. * The whole plant including the flowers is useful for medicinal purposes. The bitter and sweet taste of the herb makes it easy to consume. Brahmi is a therapeutic herb known to impart a cooling energy which helps in keeping the mind calm and free of anxiety. It is commonly used as a memory enhancer, aphrodisiac and a health tonic. * Here are some benefits of Brahmi which can help you achieve good health: * Brahmi is helpful in decreasing the levels of cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone. It reduces stress and anxiety. By regulating the stress hormone it counteracts the response and effects of stress. Brahmi leaves are used to make tea which can help in calming the nerves and relieve anxiety.

Products Specification


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Classic member

Precursor Nutra LLP

  • India

Business type - Not-available

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