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Grace Krill Oil Capsules 500mg Capsules

Grace Krill Oil Capsules 500Mg Capsules

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Products Description

* Improves concentration and cognitive memory in long term. * Omega fatty acids improve immunity against diseases. * Boosts metabolism to burn fat stored in the body. * EPA and DHA promote normal brain functions. * Description - Krill Oil capsules are a premium source of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) nutrients, which are essential to health, brain and immune functions. People facing dietary challenges to lose fat and weight can use it as an appetite suppressant supplement as Krill oil may improve metabolic rate and liver function. * Content - The high quality omega fatty acids content from Krill is beneficial to maintain optimum cholesterol levels in both men and women when consumed with a balanced diet and exercising routine. Benefits - * Improves concentration and cognitive memory in long term. * Omega fatty acids improve immunity against diseases * Boosts metabolism to burn fat stored in the body * EPA and DHA promote normal brain functions * Suggested Use - Take 1 capsule daily before any of the meals. This supplement is for both men and women over 18 years of age. The capsules should be strictly used as a dietary supplement only and not a medicine. * No fillers and preservatives are used.

Products Specification


Supplier information

Classic member

Precursor Nutra LLP

  • India

Business type - Not-available

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