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Amlaki Ghan Amla 500mg

Amlaki Ghan (Amla), 500Mg

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Products Description

Amlaki ghan (Amla), 500mg, 60 vegetarian capsules * Rich source of vitamin C * Potent anti-oxidant * Fights infections * Boosts immunity * Livestamin Amalaki Capsules * The most revered medicinal berry in the entire subcontinent of Indiaâ??Emblica officinalis, Indian gooseberry, Amalaki etc. is a center piece of the great tradition of Ayurvedic medicine. This extraordinary legend could be seen as a way of conveying the remarkably varied, potent, broad-spectrum healing powers of the Amla berry, which has been called sarvadosha hara, remover of all diseases. * Emblica officinalis is a superb antioxidant. The humble Indian gooseberry, commonly known as amla, truly deserves its superfood status. Amalaki can help balance the three doshas (Kapha/vista/pitta) in the body and eliminate the underlying cause of many diseases. Benefits of Livestamin Amalaki capsules * Gut Health: Amalaki has antispasmodic property and helps to relax the smooth muscles of the abdomen when there is excessive contraction of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. It also shows a protective action by fighting against the free radicals and reducing the number of inflammatory mediators. * Heart Health: Amalaki might be useful in controlling high cholesterol by reducing the level of total cholesterol in the body. PPAR-�± is the main protein involved in lipid and cholesterol metabolism. Amalaki helps to increase the level of PPAR and hence improves body metabolism and helps lower cholesterol.

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Precursor Nutra LLP

  • India

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