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Papaya Pulp

Papaya Pulp

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Products Description

The Papaya (carica papaya) is widely grown throughout India. The tropical climate of the country is very conducive to its quality and high yield. With the advent of bio-technology, the fruit has been developed in many different varieties. A distinguishing feature of the papaya is the unusually high pH factor of the flesh ranging from 5.5 to almost 6.0 when at the ripe stage. It is a good source of beta-carotene and papain. Papaya juice is gaining in popularity as it is high is nutrition content. It makes a good compound when blended with other fruits for smoothies and baby foods. The Papaya (carica papaya) is widely grown throughout India. The tropical climate of the country is very conducive to its quality and high yield. With the advent of bio-technology, the fruit has been developed in many different varieties. A distinguishing feature of the papaya is the unusually high pH factor of the flesh ranging from 5.5 to almost 6.0 when at the ripe stage. It is a good source of beta-carotene and papain. Papaya juice is gaining in popularity as it is high is nutrition content. It makes a good compound when blended with other fruits for smoothies and baby foods. Physical, Chemical and organoleptic Characteristics Acidity (% as C/A) Min 0.4 PH Colour : Reddish Yellow Flavour : Characteristic Taste : Characteristic Microbial Characteristics T.P.C. CFU/g Yeast CFU/g Mould CFU/g Papaya Pulp T.S.S (Brix) Min- 9-11 Acidity (%C/A) Min- 0.4 Composition per 100 gm Edible Portion (%)- 65.00 Moisture (gm)- 86.00 Protein (gm)- 00.60 Fat(gm)- 00.10 Minerals (gm)- 00.50 Fibre (gm)- 00.80 Carbohydrates (gm)- 7.20 Energy ( 67.00 Calcim (mg)- 17.00 Phosphorus (mg)- 13.00 Iron(mg)- 00.50 Vitamin c (mg)- 57.00 Vitamin B (mg)- 00.49

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