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Guava White Pink Pulp

Guava (White/pink) Pulp

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Products Description

The Guava (Psidium guajava) is a tropical fruit with a white or pink fleshy interior interspersed with small hard seeds. It contains a considerable amount of perctin. Guava is high in ascorbic acid (100 to 200 mg/100) If would be difficult to find any place in India where the guava tree does not flourish naturally. A guava tree will produce fruit for over thirty years. There are two varieties white and pink. In many parts of India guava is harvested by hand all year round. While white guava, which is sweeter in taste, is grown on a larger scale, the pink is considered a delicacy. Being a tropical fruit, the market for fresh guava is emerging in Europe and the United States. However, because of the unique flavor, distinct texture and rich. Guava (White/Pink) Pulp T.S.S (Brix) Min- 9 Acidity (%C/A) Min- 0.4 Composition per 100 gm Edible Portion (%)- 100.00 Moisture (gm)- 81.70 Protein (gm)- 00.90 Fat(gm)- 00.30 Minerals (gm)- 00.70 Fibre (gm)- 05.20 Carbohydrates (gm)- 11.20 Energy ( 51.00 Calcim (mg)- 10.00 Phosphorus (mg)- 28.00 Iron(mg)- 01.40 Vitamin c (mg)- 160.00 Vitamin B (mg)- 00.46

Products Specification


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