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Crystals Of Sea Salt

Crystals Of Sea Salt

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Products Description

Flor de Sal is the name given to the thin layer of crystals of sea salt that is formed on the surface of sea water conditioned in appropriate crystallizers (shallow, with small dimensions). Its formation depends on the atmospheric conditions, the temperature and the solar radiation must be high, and the wind must be gentle. It can be considered a natural product, as it does not undergo any industrialization process and its harvest is done by hand (manual, with a sieve), removing only a very thin film of salt crystals that form on the surface of the water and that never touches the bottom of the crystallizers; if the harvest is not done in a timely manner, the crystals decant at the bottom of the crystallizers forming the common salt. After harvesting, the product is dried naturally in the sun until most of the natural moisture is removed, resulting in more crunchy crystals. Without undergoing any type of processing or addition of chemical products, (only iodine added) the Flor de Sal is filled manually. These crystals are called "flowers", because when you see their crystallization through the microscope, you can visualize this shape. Flor de Sal has a natural concentration of iron, zinc, magnesium, iodine, fluorine, calcium, potassium and copper. It is considered the purest type of salt that exists.

Products Specification


Supplier information

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  • Brazil

Business type - Not-available

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