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FIEO’s Participation in 135th Session of China Import and Export Fair

  • Date posted : February 03, 2024

Dear Member(s),

FIEO’s Participation in 135th Session of China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair), Guangzhou (China) 

 Phase 1- April 15thto 19th, 2024

We are pleased to inform that Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) is planning to organize participation in “135thSession of China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair Phase 1)” as per the following schedule:

Dates : April, 15-19, 2024 (Monday - Friday)

Time : 9.30 AM - 18.00 PM

Venue : Pazhou Complex, Guangzhou, China

Exhibit Profile of Phase 1(Please note that o­nly products strictly falling under the profile mentioned below will be allowed participation in this phase.) 

ELECTRONICS & HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICAL APPLIANCESConsumer electronic; Electronic and electrical products; Computer and communication products; Household electrical appliances; Lighting equipment

HARDWARE & TOOLS Hand Tools, Spanners etc

MACHINERY EQUIPMENTS: Instruments; Camera instruments; Printing apparatus; Processing machinery & accessories; Household sewing machines & spare parts; Weaving supplies; General machinery; Fluid conveying machines; Power machinery; Electric power equipment; Gardening machinery; Agricultural and by-product processing machinery; Equipment maintenance; Small construction vehicles, Chemical raw materials; Rubber; Minerals; Lumber; Iron, Steel and non-ferrous metal, Energy Resources.

Participation Charges:

Cost of Standard Stand of 9 sqm

Cost of Raw space (minimum availability per company 18 sqmtr)

Rs 4,85,000/-

Rs 7,30,000/-

Rs. 10,000/- Extra for Corner subject to availability and o­n first cum first served basis

Standard Stand includes 3 sides panel board, Carpet, o­ne table, four chairs, o­ne cabinet, 4 spotlights, 1 wastepaper bin, o­ne socket, fascia board.

Important information:

vFIEO reserves the right to allocate space o­n the basis of the available space at its discretion and decision in this regard will be final and binding to all. The participation charges are non-refundable in any case. O­nly in case of non-allotment of booth from us due to non-availability of and limited space, the participation fee will be refunded.

vFurther to ensure exhibition image as advised by the organizer the front aisle (one) will be reserved for 36 sqmtr space (Raw space) cost will be “Rs. 15,00,000/-“. The allotment of the space will be o­n first cum first serve payment basis.(On the basis of availability)

vPlease note booth allotment will be o­n the basis of First-come-first-serve o­n receiving of full payment reflecting in the FIEO’s account along with complete forms. 

vAccording to the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant laws, company engaged in mapping shall obtain the qualification certificates of surveying and mapping in accordance with the law and carry out mapping work within the scope permitted by the qualification certificates. In China, all world maps to be displayed should be reported to relevant organization for approval, and unreported maps mustn't be used publicly.

For this reason, exhibitors are advised not to display any world map o­n their booth including the display wall and promotion materials, etc. otherwise it will leads to serious implications like cancelling of Booth / Blacklist of Company for future participation. 

vIt is mandatory to submit the Feedback Form with the business generated and business expected; no. of buyers etc.

vCompanies legally registered over 3 years (including the 3rd year) would be eligible to participate in the fair.Copy of the Company Registration Certificate or other valid certificate (IEC) is required to be submitted along with the FIEO registration form.

vCertificate of Origin- Exhibits should be produced in any country or region other than mainland China. Certificate of Origin (COO) is required to be submitted for the products to be displayed.

vThe exhibitor will be allocated booth o­nly o­n the basis of exhibit category mentioned above. Booths will be allocated after consultation and approval with the organizer. Any deviation in product category will lead to cancellation of booth by the organizer from the current and forthcoming editions. In case of any reduction in booth by the organizer o­n account of deviation in exhibit profile the penalty equivalent to the price of booth will be borne by the exhibitor.


FIEO will issue the visa recommendation letter Maximum two participants per company.


All display materials may be shipped o­nly through the authorized logistic agents of the organizers to avoid the goods being held up at Customs or late delivery of display material.

CANCELLATION POLICY- No request for cancellation will be entertained

Interested companies are requested to send us the duly filled in form along with the full payment to confirm your participation.

It may be informed that we have “Limited Stalls”and preference will be given o­n the basis of first-cum-first- served basis. Payment may be made by NEFT / RTGS in the name of Federation of Indian Export Organisations payable at New Delhi latest by 30thJanuary, 2024. FIEO reserves the right to select the participants. Interested companies can also remit the participation fee o­nline by clicking o­n the following link:

Details for RTGS / NEFT Payment: Axis Bank

Bank Name

Axis Bank Ltd.

Bank Address

29 CC Basant Lok Complex, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi-110057

Bank A/c


Account No.






In case you require any further information or clarification, please feel free to contact Ms. Neelam Rawat, Assistant Director, FIEO at 011-46042176 / 91-9959671646) or email at [email protected][email protected]

With regards,

FIEO’s Participation in 135th Session of China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair), Guangzhou (China)

[ Register for this Event ] From 15/04/2024 till 19/04/2024 at Pazhou Complex, Guangzhou, China

Capacity: 25


Pazhou Complex, Guangzhou, China


Contact for participation

Contact Name: Ms. Neelam Rawat / Mr. Vineet Arora

Contact Number: 91-9959671646

Contact Fax:

Contact Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Contact Address:

Price per Delegate:

For FIEO Members: 485000.00

For Non-Members: 485000.00

[Register for this Event] 

Company : Global Trade Plaza

Website :

Contact : +91-8429088885

Email : [email protected]

Source :,22&dcd=9552&evetype=1