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Green Tea 20

green tea

  • Minimum quantity200 Dozen
  • Port of dispatchIndia
  • TypeManufacturer
  • Processing time2 Week
  • Estimate pricing$ 500
  • Packagingbag

Products Description

these are consumer goods that are very convenient to purchase. They are bought frequently and with very little effort. Examples include medicines, toiletries, newspapers etc. Such convenience products have ongoing and continuous demand. Such goods are also bought in small quantities and are also generally lowly priced. Shopping Products: To shop for these consumer products, consumers devote considerable time and effort. They compare prices and features and a lot of thought is involved before making the decision to buy. Some such examples are electronics, furniture, jewelry etc. These products generally fall in the higher price range. Such products are pre-planned purchases.

Products Specification

  • colorred
  • sizel

Supplier information

Classic member


  • India

Business type - Manufacturer

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