WOOD COUNTY PRIVATE LIMITED having CIN U46631GJ2024PTC155725 is 1 months & 24 days old Private company incorporated with MCA on 14th October, 2024. WOOD COUNTY PRIVATE LIMITED is listed in the class of Private company and classified as Non-govt company. This company is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Ahmedabad with an Authorized Share Capital of ₹1,00,000 and paid-up capital is ₹1,00,000. The company has 2 directors/key management personal HASMITA KUSHAL PATEL, URVASHIBEN PATEL. WOOD COUNTY PVT LTD company registration number is 155725 and its Corporate Identification Number(CIN) provided from MCA is U46631GJ2024PTC155725. As per MCA records WOOD COUNTY PRIVATE LIMITED is involved in activities such as Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles WOOD COUNTY PVT LTD's registered office address is Block D Ff 101 Pushp Busi, Vastral, Ahmedabad, Daskroi, Gujarat, India, 382418 click Here For All The Companies At 382418 | Close . Find other contact information for WOOD COUNTY PRIVATE LIMITED such as contact number, , website, gst details and more below. WOOD COUNTY PRIVATE LIMITED's last Annual General Meeting(AGM) was held on N/A, and the company last updated its financials on N/A. Current status of WOOD COUNTY PRIVATE LIMITED is Active.