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Hemant Export


  • Business typeManufacturer | Trader | Wholesaler
  • CountryIndia
  • Main marketNorth America | Europe | South America | Oceania (Australia) | WorldWide
  • Established on1985-01-01

ABOUT US: Hemant Export has been the most reliable and knowledgeable exporter on the market for more than ten years. Trust, Passion and a commitment to excellence serve as the cornerstones of our company. Since our founding, we have made a commitment to offering the greatest services and keeping up the goodwill established by our 2nd generation elders. We specialize in exporting authenticated goods of the highest caliber to satisfy the demands of foreign markets. We are a group of skilled professionals that work hard to find high-quality products, merchandise them, and trade them according to categories. Hemant Export is a Gujarat-based business that was founded in 1985. Due to the fact that we continually update with new services and technologies, we hold a unique position in the commercial markets. We value our customers' confidence and strive to meet their needs. On the basis of that confidence, we expand our network and go above and beyond for our clients. WHO WE ARE: We are a group of 15 skilled and knowledgeable people with expertise in technology, business, trading, and logistics. Our pleased clients are the foundation of our success story because we are committed to what we do. Our primary goal in forging an alliance with transparency, as we have been doing for the previous 37 years, is because we believe in growing together. Our customer service team makes sure that our customers get the best services possible. The outcome of adequately happy clients is a healthy and prosperous business. We are a group that fervently adheres to the motto "nothing but the best." OUR SERVICES: · Product diversity: To meet the needs of our customers, we offer a wide variety of products. Additionally, we verify and examine the quality of each of our products to ensure that they satisfy the needs of the global market. · Customer support: We are concerned about our customers' needs and expectations, and we work hard to satisfy them. We respond to our client's questions and problems around the clock, and we support them until they are resolved. · Market research: In order to identify new export opportunities and potential clients, we make sure that the research services keep up with the commercial market. We take care to learn about and use new technology. · Logistics and transportation: To reach every location and broaden our network, we offer to ship to the entire world. We promise that all of our products will arrive on schedule. · Payment Options: We provide a variety of payment options and are aware of our client's needs. In addition to accepting payments through LC, we also accept half the amount in advance and the other half through scanned BL after delivery.

Company details

  • CountryIndia
  • Trust score920

Trading Details

Delivery areas

Terms of delivery (incoterms)

Loading on departure
Export declaration at customs
Transport to the port of export
Truck unloading at the port of export
Loading onto ship/aircraft in port of export
Transport (water/air) to port of entry
Unloading at the port of entry
Truck unloading at the port of export
Transport to destination
Customs clearance upon import
Import Duties and Taxes
Unloading at destination

Loading on departure
Export declaration at customs
Transport to the port of export
Truck unloading at the port of export
Loading onto ship/aircraft in port of export
Transport (water/air) to port of entry
Unloading at the port of entry
Truck unloading at the port of export
Transport to destination
Customs clearance upon import
Import Duties and Taxes
Unloading at destination

Key terms associated with this company

  • Agriculture
  • Apparel and fashion accessories
  • Glass & Ceramics Related Products
  • Chemicals & Allied Products
  • Packaging Products
  • Cosmetics Products
  • Garment & Fashion Accessories
  • White Rice
  • Minerals & metals

Company Details

  • Business typeManufacturer | Trader | Wholesaler
  • Main marketNorth America | Europe | South America | Oceania (Australia) | WorldWide
  • Established year1985-01-01
  • City / StateAnand
  • CountryIndia
  • Address30, Shaswat Bliss, Sandesar Petalad Road, Karamsad