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Sony Playstation 5 Console Disc Edition Tech1 Highspeed Hdmi Cable

Sony PlayStation 5 Console Disc Edition + Tech1 Highspeed HDMI Cable

  • Minimum quantity5 Pieces
  • Port of dispatchJapan
  • TypeTrader | Distributor | Wholesaler
  • Processing time3 Day
  • Estimate pricing$ 450
  • Packagingcarton

Products Description

The Sony PlayStation 5 Console Disc Edition is Sony's most recent and advanced gaming console. With gorgeous graphics, lightning-fast load times, and engrossing action, it takes gaming to a whole new level. The console is powered by an AMD Zen 2 processor with RDNA 2 graphics, allowing it to provide 4K visuals at 60 frames per second. It also includes a fast 825GB SSD for lightning-quick load times and fluid games. The DualSense wireless controller, with haptic feedback and adjustable triggers, is one of the PS5's major features, providing a more immersive gaming experience. The controller also has a microphone and speaker built in, making it simple to converse with other players. The PS5 supports a large choice of titles, including backward compatibility with most PS4 games, allowing gamers to effortlessly switch between old and new favourites. It also supports 3D audio, providing for a more immersive and realistic gaming experience.

Products Specification


Supplier information

Classic member


  • China

Business type - Trader | Distributor | Wholesaler

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