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Greean Fannings Tea

Greean Fannings Tea

  • Minimum quantity0
  • Port of dispatchNot-available
  • TypeNot-available
  • Processing time
  • Estimate pricing$ 2.25
  • PackagingNot-available

Products Description

The benefits of green tea include: 1. High Source of Antioxidants and Vitamin C. 2. Lower Cholesterol and Maintain Directional Pressure. 3. Helping the Fat Burning Process. 4. Prevent and destroy cancer cells. 5. Preventing Heart Attack and Artery Blockage. 6. Stress Relief and Relax Nerves. 7. Prevent bad breath and tooth decay. 8. Protects From Diabetes and Hepatitis. 9. Prevent Influenza, Colds, and Coughs. 10. Strengthen the Immune System. 11. Preventing Dementia and Amnesia. 12. Relieves Symptoms of Menopause and Sleep Disorders. 13. Make Skin Shine, Hair Healthy, and Reduce Signs of Aging.

Products Specification

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