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Ql Farms Tay Ninh


  • Business typeManufacturer
  • CountryViet Nam
  • Main marketAsia
  • Established on2018-01-01

We are QL Farms Tay Ninh, we are the most reliable and trusted organic fertilizer producer in Malaysia. We were established in 2018 in Malaysia and our business of animal feedstuff was founded by Dr. Chia Song Kun and his siblings in the 1970s. We have expanded our area of expertise and production in Indonesia & Vietnam with time. Our product's quality and our expertise make us the leader in Vietnam’s chicken farming. We have achieved a phenomenal output of more than 3,200,800 chicken eggs on a daily basis & and after our expansion in Indonesia, we have achieved a daily output of 800,000 eggs on a daily basis in Indonesia. We know how important a reliable supply line is for farmers to be able to keep working. You can always get high-quality fertilizers when you need them, all thanks to our strategy planning and dedication to long-term growth. At QL Farms Tay Ninh, we ensure to provide every customer with the finest quality poultry supplies with the most reliable sundried chicken manure fertilizer supply with composting tower chicken dung fertilizer that was slowly broken down over seven days using the composting tower method. Why Choose Us Choose QL Farms Tay Ninh’s reliable supplies for consistent product availability, premium solutions, and the ability to customize formulas to your needs. Order conveniently 24/7 with our online platform and experience the difference in quality, customization, and convenience. Reliable Supplies: With our strategic planning and commitment to sustainable growth, we ensure to provide consistent access to high-quality fertilizers to every customer in market. Premium Solution: We deliver the latest fertilizer made from advanced methods like composting tower fermentation to provide customers with effective and sustainable products. Customized Formulas: Our fertilizers are rigorously tested for basic needs & demands, to ensure that crops receive proper nutrients for growth and proper crop development. Online Ordering: Our customers can order their supplies from their homes with our online platform which helps customers to choose between a wide variety from our company. Contact Line Make Healthy Harvest With Organic Fertilizers By QL Farms Tay Ninh!! Contact Us Today!! Footer Line QL Farms Tay Ninh: We Value For All

Company details

  • CountryViet Nam
  • Trust score120

Trading Details

Terms of delivery (incoterms)

Loading on departure
Export declaration at customs
Transport to the port of export
Truck unloading at the port of export
Loading onto ship/aircraft in port of export
Transport (water/air) to port of entry
Unloading at the port of entry
Truck unloading at the port of export
Transport to destination
Customs clearance upon import
Import Duties and Taxes
Unloading at destination

Key terms associated with this company

  • Poultry
  • Food & Beverages

Company Details

  • Business typeManufacturer
  • Main marketAsia
  • Established year2018-01-01
  • City / StateNot-available
  • CountryViet Nam
  • AddressẤp Thạnh Phước, xã, Thạnh Bình, Tân Biên, Tây Ninh
