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FIEO’s Participation in 135th Session of China Import and Export

  • Date posted : February 03, 2024

we are pleased to inform that Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) is planning to organize India Pavilion at “135thSession of China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair Phase 2 & 3)”as per the following schedule:

Dates : Phase 2 April 23, 2024 

Phase 3 May 1-5, 2024

Time : 9.30 AM - 18.00 PM

Venue : Pazhou Complex, Guangzhou, China

Standard Stand includes Wall panels, Carpet, Fascia in English, o­ne table and four chairs; o­ne information counter, o­ne rubbish bin, spot lights, o­ne socket

Important information:

FIEO reserves the right to allocate space o­n the basis of the available space at its discretion and decision in this regard will be final and binding to all. The participation charges are non-refundable in any case. O­nly in case of non-allotment of booth from us due to non-availability of and limited space, the participation fee will be refunded.

Further to ensure exhibition image as advised by the organizer the front aisle (one) will be reserved for 36 sqmtr space (Raw space) cost will be “Rs. 15,00,000/-“. The allotment of the space will be o­n first cum first serve payment basis. (On the basis of availability)

Please note booth allotment will be o­n the basis of First-come-first-serve o­n receiving of full payment reflecting in the FIEO’s account along with complete forms. 

According to the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant laws, company engaged in mapping shall obtain the qualification certificates of surveying and mapping in accordance with the law and carry out mapping work within the scope permitted by the qualification certificates. In China, all world maps to be displayed should be reported to relevant organization for approval, and unreported maps mustn't be used publicly. For this reason, Exhibitors are advised not to display any world map o­n their booth including the display wall and promotion materials, etc. otherwise it will leads to serious implications like cancelling of Booth / Blacklist of Company for future participation. 

It is mandatory to submit the Feedback Form with the business generated and business expected; no. of buyers etc.

Companies legally registered over 3 years (including the 3rd year) would be eligible to participate in the fair. Copy of the Company Registration Certificate or other valid certificate (IEC) is required to be submitted along with the FIEO registration form.

Certificate of Origin- Exhibits should be produced in any country or region other than mainland China. Certificate of Origin (COO) is required to be submitted for the products to be displayed. 

The exhibitor will be allocated booth o­nly o­n the basis of exhibit category mentioned above. Booths will be allocated after consultation and approval with the organizer. Any deviation in product category will lead to cancellation of booth by the organizer from the current and forthcoming editions. In case of any reduction in booth by the organizer o­n account of deviation in exhibit profile the penalty equivalent to the price of booth will be borne by the exhibitor.

Note : Please note booth allotment will be o­n the basis of First-come-first-serve o­n receiving of full payment reflecting in the FIEO’s account along with complete forms. FIEO reserves the right to allocate space o­n the basis of the available space at its discretion and decision in this regard will be final and binding to all.

Please also note that front Aisle Premium booths (36 sqm) will be given o­n first cum first served basis o­n receiving of full payment. However, the differential of premium amount paid in case of non-availability of front aisle booths will be refunded.


The participation charges are non-refundable in any case. o­nly in case of non-allotment of booth from us due to non-availability of and limited space, the participation fee will be refunded.

Interested members are requested to kindly send us their confirmation as per the Registration Form(s) enclosed along with the participation fee (Non-Refundable). It may be informed that we have “Limited Stalls” and preference will be given o­n the basis of first-cum-first- served basis. Payment may be made by NEFT / RTGS in the name of Federation of Indian Export Organisations payable at New Delhi latest by 15th February, 2024. FIEO reserves the right to select the participants. Interested companies can also remit the participation fee o­nline by clicking o­n the following


“We hope this message finds you well Global trade show. Join us for an exclusive showcase of diverse and innovative products, connecting businesses with international markets”. 

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