Factory Inspection:

At SGS and Global Trade Plaza, we recognize that ensuring your product's quality and compliance is vital to the prosperity of your business. That's why we provide factory inspection services to help you evaluate the production processes of your suppliers and guarantee that they comply with industry standards and regulations.

What is a Factory Inspection?

A factory inspection thoroughly examines a supplier's manufacturing processes, facilities, and management systems. It aims to identify potential risks and areas for enhancement to ensure the quality and safety of your products.

Why is a Factory Inspection significant?

By conducting a factory inspection, you can:

  • Verify that your suppliers adhere to industry standards and regulations
  • Detect potential risks and areas for improvement in your supplier's manufacturing processes
  • Minimize the risk of product recalls, reputational harm, and financial loss
  • Build trust and confidence with your customers by demonstrating your dedication to quality and safety
What does a Factory Inspection entail?

Our factory inspection services are customized to meet your specific requirements but generally include the following:

  • Evaluation of the supplier's quality management system
  • Assessment of the supplier's manufacturing processes and facilities
  • Evaluation of supplier's Quality Management System including QC/QA Lab verification
  • Review of the supplier's product specifications and testing methods
  • Identification of potential risks and areas for improvement
  • Recommendations for corrective actions and improvement plans
How can I schedule a Factory Inspection?

Arranging a factory inspection with SGS and Global Trade Plaza is simple. Just visit our services page, choose the factory inspection option, and provide us with the necessary information about your supplier and products. Our specialists will collaborate with you to arrange a date and time for the inspection and provide you with a comprehensive report of our findings and suggestions.


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