Offline Verification (not requiring consent of verified entity)

SGS will make every effort to determine whether prospective business partners exist at the declared address. Initially, this will be done by verifying all publicly accessible published resources, especially those in the local language. Depending on the local regulations concerning documents in the public domain, such as those in the Companies Registry, SGS will endeavor to establish the legal status of the company, details of the business registration, basic information about managing staff, annual audited financial reports, licenses and scope of activities it is permitted to perform.

Onsite verification remote or in-person (requiring the consent of verified entity)

If permitted by the entity to be verified, dedicated SGS inspectors, using the local language, may conduct remote or physical onsite verification of the entity’s actual background confirmed by photographs and video evidence taken by the inspector onsite. Such proof must be accompanied by a responsible company representative whose contact details will be enclosed in the SGS verification report. SGS will ask to see production records, copies of export invoices and, in the case of a factory witness, the production line and stocks of raw materials. If permitted, SGS will take photographs of office premises, equipment on site, factory, QMS lab, storage and assess production capabilities.

What does a Trade party verification entail?

Our Trade party verification service is customized to meet your specific requirements but generally includes assessing the company's:

  • identity and legal information
  • activity and managing staff
  • premises, production and/or storage capacities, staff availability
  • certificates, accreditations, memberships
  • sales details and the existence of aftersales support
How can I schedule a Factory Inspection?

Arranging a Trade Party verification with SGS and Global Trade Plaza is simple. Just visit our services page, choose the Trade Party verification option, and provide us with the necessary information about the company you want to check. Our specialists will collaborate with you to arrange a date and time for the inspection and provide you with a comprehensive report of our findings and suggestions.


I hereby consent to the transmission of my e-mail address and phone number to your partner SGS for the purpose of sending me information and offers in the area of verification, testing and certification services.