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Military Miniature Pace Sticks

Military Miniature Pace Sticks

  • Minimum quantity50 Pieces
  • Port of dispatchPakistan
  • TypeManufacturer
  • Processing time30 Day
  • Estimate pricing$ 0.01
  • Packagingcarton

Products Description

Smaller versions of the standard racing pace sticks, military tiny pace sticks are frequently utilized in military and law enforcement contexts as ornaments or mementos. These are made to be put on a desk or shelf for exhibition and are reproductions of the larger racing pace sticks. Military pace sticks are frequently made of wood, just like the larger versions, and have two arms that may be extended or retracted to measure distances. A unique message or brand may be engraved on the stick, which may also have beautiful metal caps and other ornamental patterns. Military miniature pace sticks are a widely-liked item among military and police enforcement professionals, as well as among collectors and memorabilia aficionados. These are frequently presented as presents to honor retirees or other notable people, to remember a specific occasion or accomplishment, or all three.

Products Specification

  • different colourGC-04910

Supplier information

Classic member

Golden Crown

  • Pakistan

Business type - Manufacturer

Product Brochure

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